The 7th Peking to Paris Motor Challenge 2019
June 2nd to July 7th 2019
The Greatest Motoring Adventure - Peking to Paris 2019
Gaydon Briefing Weekend
The final countdown to the next Peking to Paris Motor Challenge has really begun with the Gaydon Briefing weekend. Over the weekend of 17-18 November 2018 the ERA once again enjoyed a Peking to Paris, pre rally get together, at the Gaydon Motor Museum, where, almost 100 crews made the journey to meet their fellow competitors and the organising team. Follow the menu link to find our Gaydon weekend news report.
About the Peking to Paris Motor Challenge
The Peking to Paris Motor Challenge is unique in the motoring world – a true endurance motor rally following in the wheel-tracks of the original pioneers of 1907. Driving an old car nearly half way around the world with a bunch of like-minded enthusiasts, against the clock, with the added spice of timed sections, makes Peking to Paris the longest and toughest driving challenge for Vintage and Classic cars.
Who can participate?
This Peking to Paris Motor Challenge is open to cars of a type produced before 1976 and is suitable to both novice crews, with training and support, as well as experienced rally entrants. Taking an exciting route via gravel, sand and stunning roads, luxurious hotels and desert camping, this is a life changing, never to be forgotten, adventure, .
The route is challenging but the Organisers welcome both newcomers and experienced crews. You will need a sense of adventure and be prepared to spend nights under canvas in the deserts of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. The ability to carry out regular maintenance on your own car is essential. Average daily distances are around 400 kilometres but, on occasion, they can be as much as 650 kilometres - it is an endurance event after all.
Tell Me More
The Peking to Paris Motor Challenge is unique in the motoring world – a true endurance rally following in the wheel-tracks of the original pioneers of 1907. Driving an old car nearly half way around the world with a bunch of like-minded enthusiasts, against the clock, with the added spice of timed sections, makes this rally the longest and perhaps the toughest driving challenge for Vintage and Classic cars.
Once again the demand from prospective participants for the 2019 Peking to Paris Motor Challenge has been exceptional. With a little over two years to go before the start all available places have now been allocated.
The Event Guide is packed with essential, but inevitably brief, information to provide an understanding of what lies ahead for prospective entrants and should be essential reading especially for any applicants who have not previosly driven the Peking to Paris.
Read about the previous Peking to Paris Motor Challenges here
Contact the Rally Office for more information
Phone: +44 (0)1235 831221
Email: [email protected]